How can I edit my information on Spokeo?

How can I edit the information that is displayed on Spokeo's website?

We understand that some of the information in our search results may include old or inaccurate public records information. We currently do not offer a feature that allows users to edit reports. Spokeo cross-references over 12 billion premium, licensed public records and thousands of sources to evaluate the public data we display. We work tirelessly to expand and improve the data available on our site to produce the most relevant results possible.

If you’re not comfortable with the information that appears about you on a Spokeo listing, you can opt out and remove that report. Just click on the Privacy link located at the bottom of any Spokeo page, or by going directly to the Spokeo "Opt Out" page.

You can find out more on how to opt out your information with the articles below:

How do I remove my information from Spokeo?

Why can't I opt out my listing?


If you have any further questions, please contact the Customer Care Privacy Team for assistance at Please include the "URLs" for all listings to be removed from public view.

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