I purchased the Historical Search add-on. How do I use it?

How to search for Historical Records

Some examples of the kind of information our Historical Record Search can yield are:

• birth records for U.S. residents
• obituary records for U.S. residents
• marriage records for U.S. residents
• divorce records for U.S. residents
• military service records for U.S. residents

To research our historical record database please follow the steps below:

Search a name on Spokeo, and scroll or click the Personal section. Here is where you can look at the records we may have available.

Image of Personal Information section highlighted in a Spokeo listing.png

Image of the Personal section expanded in a Spokeo listing.png

If you need further assistance with your research, please contact our Customer Care Team.

Spokeo Customer Care

Phone: 1 (888) 906-0849

Email: CustomerCare@spokeo.com

Live Chat: https://www.spokeo.com/contact

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