Spokeo’s website has a new look! What changed?
Spokeo’s website was updated. What has changed?
Spokeo has been working hard on creating a new look for our users. Our goal is to make the world around you more transparent.
We have a new logo! Our logo represents a navigational tool. Whether you’re looking to protect yourself or others, or connect with someone else, Spokeo helps you decide who or what is real so that you can that move forward with confidence and clarity.
Also, our reports have been updated!
In the upper left-hand corner, each report features an information “Overview.” Click the section name to go straight to that section of the report.
As you scroll through the report, note that each section is defined by the color that matches its key in the Overview. Also, if you click View More Results, you’ll not only see more results, if they are available, but that we also added a search bar in each category to make it easier to keep searching.
Our menu options have changed. Each user has an avatar. Click the down arrow by the avatar to display the following menu items:
- My Updates: Contains the people and addresses you are monitoring, report updates, and search history.
- Account: Displays your subscription and payment information, as well as single search reports.
- Contact Us: Offers our Customer Care phone number, livechat agents, and email form.
We hope you’ll complete the survey about our new features. Any feedback is appreciated!
Spokeo Customer Care
Phone: 1 (888) 906-0849
Email: CustomerCare@spokeo.com
Live Chat: https://www.spokeo.com/contact