How can I clear my cache?

What is a Cache?
A cache (pronounced “cash”) is a way for a website to remember major elements of a web page, such as images, files, and HTML. Websites store these features so that the next time you visit it, it’ll run smoothly and efficiently.

Why Clear it?
Occasionally, a website might be unresponsive or not working properly. For example, let’s say you’re trying to log into your Spokeo account, but after entering in your username and password and clicking “login”, you’re brought back to the same exact login screen. Or perhaps you may notice something missing on a webpage, like a submit button or a box to enter in text. Issues like these are usually due to the website’s cache archiving information incorrectly, and by clearing it, the page will be “refreshed” and should start working normally again.

How Do I Do it?
Here’s how to clear your cache on:

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Safari (Desktop)
Safari (Mobile)
Internet Explorer
Microsoft Edge

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